Contract Term End Date: 06/05/2023
Contract Expiration Date: 05/31/2025 (recently extended!)
State Adopted Participating Addendums:
State of Colorado (149578) State of Connecticut (19PSX0205)
State of Hawaii (19-19-05)
Cmlth of Kentucky (MA 2000000062)
State of Idaho (PADD20221084)
State of Maryland (CTR006122-1)
State of Minnesota (58531)
State of Mississippi
State of Montana (SPB22-1215LS)
State of Nevada (99SWC-NV23-12693)
State of New Mexico (19-00075AE) State of North Carolina (STC 918B) State of North Dakota (120)
State of Oklahoma (SW0930C)
State of Oregon (PO-10700-00023643)
State of Rhode Island
State of South Dakota (17641)
State of Vermont (45838)
Cmlth of Virginia (E194-102452)
State of Washington (26923)
Key Contacts:
Dustin Lanier (Executive)
Derrek Davis (Project)
Harry Pape (Finance)
Contract Overview
Civic Initiatives. LLC offers expert support to public procurement offices through NASPO ValuePoint's PASS Contract (Procurement of Acquisition Support Services.)
NASPO ValuePoint delivers high-value, reliable, and competitively sourced cooperative contracts - offering public entities outstanding prices, favorable terms and conditions, and value-added services. Please visit for additional information.
Categories of work include:
How to Order
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to work for you